Getting yourself prepped for a short vacation. Certainly, you want to plan what you want to do and what you want to fulfil during that trip. However, it is not the same when you get ready for a longer vacation trip.

Long travel vacations should be planned greatly as you need to look for more ways to enjoy that long vacation. Important things to consider include the place you want to stay, the activities you want to do, and the time you will consume travelling. There are many vacation attractions to see out there and you may be confused about the many choices you have.
Consider a few pointers to help you think about your travel preparation:
Estimate your budget. The travel destination you want to visit will depend on your budget. If money is not an issue, you may want to go backpacking. There are considerable backpacking destinations in Europe and Asia. Some of the places to enjoy a nice backpacking experience are Santorini in Greece, Budapest in Hungary and Berlin in Germany.
However, if you have a limited travel fund, consider other countries that will not break your budget. It helps when you plan accordingly and make an itinerary. This will help you allocate your budget and see where you will spend your money.
And of course, never forget to bring extra cash with you. You never know what extra spending will come up while on a trip.
Make a plan on things to do. There are many things you can do while on a journey but you must know what your priorities are. Find out about the recreational activities you want to explore in the place you intend to visit. Also, consider the place you are staying, if you are will be moving from one place to another or staying in one place for the vacation.